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The Environment – Guiding and a Different Approach

  The Aussie Guiding toothbrush has a legitimate claim to be the world’s most environmentally friendly toothbrush for two reasons.

  We turn a waste product into the world’s easiest toothbrush to recycle.

  And if you consider Second Life, the Aussie Guiding toothbrush has a better Second Life as a cleaning tool than any other toothbrush because ergonomically the Guiding toothbrush handle was also designed to clean other people’s teeth, gums and dentures. Plus it also has lots of Broom Tech bristles for better cleaning.

  When you look past all the “Green Washing” – marketing slogans – designing an environmentally friendly toothbrush starts to get a bit tricky if you want to stay honest.

  If everyone knew how much CO2 was produced to heat the ovens needed to make bamboo toothbrushes nobody would call bamboo toothbrushes environmentally friendly. And if you ignore all that, bamboo toothbrushes are still only carbon neutral i.e. it is better for the environment if you let the bamboo continue to grow rather than cutting it down and turning it into toothbrushes.

  And at present all the current biodegradable plastics still only breakdown to microplastics.

  A miswak - made from a tree with antibiotic properties - is probably the most environmentally friendly way for oral hygiene. However - and this needs to be noted - an Aussie Guiding toothbrush will sweep more plaque off gums and whiten teeth better than a miswak because a miswak - at the day - is just a stick and the Aussie Guiding toothbrush was designed specifically to sweep plaque off gums and whiten teeth.

  The Aussie Guiding toothbrush may not sound like Unicorns and Rainbows but we do believe it is the best solution for the environment.

  Guiding toothbrushes turn a waste product that would have been burnt into the easiest toothbrush to recycle. Snip the head off with scissors and throw the handle in the recycle bin – Job Done.

  Toothbrushes with different plastics and different colours range from hard to impossible to recycle.

  It is important to remember that each Guiding toothbrush prevented around 20 grams of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. While this is not much, if every Australian used a Guiding toothbrush per year it would be the same as preventing a small car driving 2.6 million Kilometres.

  And if someone chooses not to recycle their Guiding toothbrush and it ends up in landfill it will remain a Carbon Sink for literally hundreds of years. With rising CO2 levels all Carbon Sinks are beneficial for the environment.

  As Guiding toothbrushes are really good carbon sinks with hydrophobic properties it will be literally hundreds of years before it starts to become microplastics.

  While I have heard the story of a turtle with a toothbrush stuck up its nose, most Australians treat their toothbrushes differently to litter.


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